
I have a range of research interests within the broad area of Japanese Studies. The basic subject of my research is modern Japanese history from 1853 to the present day. Strictly speaking, I am not a historian. Instead, my research is in media, cultural and tourism studies. I analyze the meanings of history and representations of historical events in contemporary Japanese news media, popular culture and tourist sites.

The range of my research is encapsulated in the names of the academic journals that I contribute to as a member of the editorial board:



International Journal of Contents Tourism, Co-founder and co-editor-in-chief (with Professor Takayoshi Yamamura), 2015-

Japan Forum, Member of the International Editorial Board, 2018-

Journal of War & Culture Studies, Member of the Editorial Board, 2018-

Journal of Tourism History, Member of the Editorial Board, 2017-

Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Contributing Editor, 2007-


My ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is here: