Usually I save music announcements for my music website. However, this one is fairly major so I will publicize it here, too. On 17 May 2025, there will be a performance of my 35-minute orchestral piece Sinfonia Concertante given by a professional orchestra in Tokyo. Please see my music page for details and support the concert if you can!
Global Japan Research Project
There is a new page within my website for the Global Japan Research Project. Details are here.
Lecture at the TUFS Summer School
On 24 July I am giving a talk New Frontiers in Japanese Studies as part of the International Center for Japanese Studies Summer Seminar. Here is the event poster: Summer Seminar 2024
Here are the materials for my lecture: 20240724 New Frontiers in Japanese Studies
The open access book chapter on which much of the lecture is based is available here.