Published Theses

Some students in my undergraduate zemi produce exceptional research of publishable quality. In such cases, I do what I can to help these students get their first refereed publication. Graduation theses are never published just as they are. After completion, the theses are revised into academic article format, and then have to go through a formal refereeing and revisions process.

Here are students who have graduated from my undergraduate zemi, who I have continued working with so that they could publish their thesis as an academic article. (For postgraduates who I have helped in the same way, see the Postgraduate Teaching page).

Tan Xiang Ning (graduated March 2024). “Imagination in Non-site-specific Contents Tourism: Meetings between Fans and Heroes at Ultraman events” in International Journal of Contents Tourism, Vol. 7 (2024), pp. 26-46.

Toyozawa Chikako (graduated March 2023). “Contents Tourism as a Component of Regional Development through Tourism in Kawagoe City, Japan” in International Journal of Contents Tourism, Vol. 7 (2024), pp. 1-25.