New Academic Year

The new academic year begins amidst the corona virus pandemic. Congratulations to the students who have joined the School of Japan Studies, and also to my three new postgraduate students in the International Japan Course (one student moving from research student to a PhD programme, one student entering the MA programme, and one student coming as a research student).

My courses this term are completely online until the corona virus situation stabilizes. I hope that all our students, and people everywhere, will stay safe and well as the world works to overcome this pandemic and accompanying economic crisis.

New book available for pre-order!

My latest book is scheduled to be published on 31 January 2020. It is now available for pre-order on the Channel View Publications Website. There is also a pre-order offer of 50% off (see this flyer: Yamamura & Seaton discount flyer). Contents Tourism and Pop Culture Fandom: Transnational Tourist Experiences is a collection of essays that examines the phenomenon of contents tourism in an international perspective. My own contributions are the chapter “The Contents Tourism of Jane Austen’s American Fans” and the conclusions, “Sustainable Contents Tourism in the 21st Century”. I co-edited the book with my long-time research partner, Takayoshi Yamamura.


「2019年7月22日(月)~31日(水)、本学にて、英国のセントラル・ランカシャー大学(UCLAN)とのJoint Education Program(共同教育プログラム)を実施しました。UCLANから7名の学生がマレイケ・ハマン講師とともに来日し、国際日本学部の5名の学生とともに学びました。」
