
「2019年7月22日(月)~31日(水)、本学にて、英国のセントラル・ランカシャー大学(UCLAN)とのJoint Education Program(共同教育プログラム)を実施しました。UCLANから7名の学生がマレイケ・ハマン講師とともに来日し、国際日本学部の5名の学生とともに学びました。」


New Grant Project: War and Contents Tourism

My main research partner of the past decade, Dr Takayoshi Yamamura, has secured a new grant to continue the work of our contents tourism project (2014-2019). The three-year Kakenhi B Grant (5-20 million yen category, 2019-2022) project is called 「コンテンツツーリズムにおける「戦争」の消費と歴史理解に関する国際比較研究」, which translates as “The consumption of ‘war’ in contents tourism and comparative international research on the historical understanding”. With this project, my contents tourism work has come full circle to link up with my war memories work …



From 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2021 I have been appointed Vice-Dean of the Institute of Japan Studies and Vice-Dean of the School of Japan Studies.

Congratulations Dr Georgy Buntilov

Congratulations to Georgy Buntilov, my PhD student at Hokkaido University who successfully defended his thesis on 14 February and had the award of the PhD confirmed at the faculty senate on 1 March. I had to give up being his primary supervisor after my move to Tokyo in April 2018, but we continued working together to ensure his successful completion of his degree under the supervision of Professor Jeffry Gayman.